nottingham financial resilience partnership preventing or tackling financial difficulty in nottingham

Working together to improve the financial lives of people & communities in Nottingham

Key Principles

  1. Independent: We are purposefully not aligned to any one sector above any other, in order that our collective priorities remain focussed on need alone, striving for best practice
  2. Cross-Sector Collaboration: We are a multi-sector partnership bringing together the services/ organisations that have a key role in either preventing or tackling financial difficulty in the city. Our partnership principle is in order to leverage diverse expertise and resources for the most comprehensive approach. Our work is underpinned by collaborative working.
  3. Continuous Community Dialogue: Two-way dialogue with communities is essential so that we are listening clearly and responding. It helps to ensure that our actions and strategies are relevant and effective. We use different methods to do this.
  4. Hub and Spoke Model: We operate a range of topic groups/ sub groups depending on our priority work areas at the time. It also sometimes includes area based groups. These groups feed into a city-wide strategic partnership group and information is also shared back out.
  5. High-Level Strategic Commitment: We will secure and maintain high level strategic commitment to the work, across sectors. This is crucial for impact.
  6. Measuring Our Impact: Wherever possible, we measure our impact to ensure that our initiatives are making a real difference and to guide continuous improvement.

For more information about our financial services, or if you would like to speak with one of our team, please contact us.

Contact Us

Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership

Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership is the partnership of key services and organisations in the city with a specific role in either preventing or tackling financial difficulty.

We are from every sector. Our work includes issues of debt, income, access to banking, credit, saving, financial education and financial capability, food banks. We also we work with work alongside others on affordable warmth. Alongside our core Partnership, we also run a number of topic groups.

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