nottingham financial resilience partnership preventing or tackling financial difficulty in nottingham

Working together to improve the financial lives of people & communities in Nottingham


A diagram of our full structure, showing current sub groups, is below. As well as this, NFRP attends a variety of relevant meetings in the city, and it actions a range of other smaller areas of work.

nottingham financial resilience partnership structure

Topic/ Sub Groups: – Our current topic groups (which vary over time depending on our work):

  • Homelessness Risk and Cost of Living
  • Social Prescribing Advice Link Worker Project (SPALW) Steering Group
  • Food Bank Group
  • Money & Mental Health (temporary pause). (Jointly led work between Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership and Mental Health).

These are made up of all relevant parties to the work area, not only of Partnership members.

Note: A variety of other smaller ad-hoc short term working groups are also in action at any one time, addressing the range of action plan work.

Funding and reporting:

Our funding changes over time. We are currently funded as follows:

  • The National Lottery Community Fund Partnerships – Five year funding till 2025. Annual reports to Lottery.
  • Public Health, Nottingham City Council - Funding until Spring 2025. Bi-monthly reports to Place Based Partnership Programme Oversight Group. We deliver against the Health and Wellbeing Strategy’s Financial Wellbeing strand of work and plan. Some of this is distinct work and some overlaps our existing Lottery funded plans.

For more information about our financial services, or if you would like to speak with one of our team, please contact us.

Contact Us

Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership

Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership is the partnership of key services and organisations in the city with a specific role in either preventing or tackling financial difficulty.

We are from every sector. Our work includes issues of debt, income, access to banking, credit, saving, financial education and financial capability, food banks. We also we work with work alongside others on affordable warmth. Alongside our core Partnership, we also run a number of topic groups.

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